Zsh equivalent of bash show-all-if-ambiguous


In bash, if you hit tab when there are multiple possible completions you get a list of matches that keeps reprinting if you repeatedly press tab. In tcsh, setting autocomplete to enhanced also achieves this.

In zsh, you do get the list of matches, but on 2nd, 3rd tab press it starts cycling through matches. Is there a way to get zsh to do the equivalent of bash's show-all-if-ambiguous without the cycling?

I'm not looking for the clever but useless "why would you press tab several times if it displayed after the first?". If I had been able to adjust my habits I'd have done so by now.

Best Answer

Zsh has a lot of completion-related options (see man zshoptions under Completion). I think you're after setopt no_auto_menu and perhaps setopt bash_auto_list as well.

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