Zathura: How to add a keybind for exec

keyboard shortcutszathura

zathura is my default PDF reader. Some files cause it trouble though, and in such cases I run

:exec acroread $FILE

which automatically opens the same file with Acrobat Reader.

How do I add a key shortcut to the zathura configuration file (~/.config/zathura/zathurarc) to do that?

Best Answer

I recently bumped against a similar problem and, for future reference, here is a workaround:

map <C-o> focus_inputbar ":exec acroread $FILE"

This will map ctrl+o (or whichever your key is) to open the input bar you would normally open with : and input there that text. You can then press Enter to launch the command. This is far from ideal and still requires a two-key press, but surely faster than writing all the command by hand.

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