Xterm Dimensions – Set Xterm Width and Height by Pixels


On X window system (TWM) of my Ubuntu 12.04, xterm has width of 484 pixel and height of 316 pixel, and its geometry is 80×24, based on xwininfo.

On X window system (TWM) of my LFS 7.9, xterm has with of 644 pixel and height of 388 pixel, and its geometry is 80×24, based on xwininfo.

How can I configure xterm of LFS 7.9 so that its width by height size can be like Ubuntu 12.04? I like how Ubuntu xterm looks.

Best Answer

An XTerm's size is determined by the number of characters its displaying, the font it is using, and the size of the window manager decorations (title bar, outlines, etc.).

You're probably using a different (larger) font on LFS. Ubuntu's xterm settings are probably in /etc/X11/app-defaults/{XTerm,XTerm-color} (at least that's where they are in Debian). You could copy them over, or at least the settings you want. [BTW: If you're not aware, XTerm has multiple fonts you can switch to via ControlRightClick and ControlShiftKeypad +/- (all bindings configurable).

You can also do that on a per-user basis in your ~/.Xresources file and with xrdb.

If you want to know what all the settings in the XTerm app-defaults mean, the xterm manpage actually documents them thoroughly.

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