Xrandr multiple displays showing different areas of the same virtual screen


Background: I have a PC with two HDMI1.4 outputs and 4k monitor that allows Picture-By-Picture display from two HDMI sources. A single HDMI1.4 connection between the computer and the monitor is limited to 30hz. With 2x 1920×2160 outputs it is possible to get 4k at 60hz

When doing this, there are two outputs and each is treated as its own monitor. This causes problems:

  • Fullscreen applications, e.g. games or video players are only “fullscreen” on half the screen because it looks like two physical monitors (from the computers point of view)
  • maximizing windows only maximizes on one (½) monitor

Is it possible to set up xrandr so that there is a virtual 3840×2160 screen, and then set up each monitor to show a part of it. E.g. monitor 1 displays the left half and monitor 2 displays the right half. Applications would only see the virtual screen and "see" a resolution of 3840×2160, even for maximized windows.

I'm using KDE if it makes any difference.

Best Answer

I guess KDE may have something in it's settings to control this behavior. But if not, then you might try this

xrandr --output HDMI-0 --auto --output HDMI-1 --auto --{right,left}-of HDMI-0
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