Xkb: Use a key to change shift level without appearing as a modifier


I'd like to configure XKB to use Caps Lock as a way of producing different keys, but I don't want it to appear as a modifier. For example:

  • F1 produces F21 keypress
  • Caps Lock + F1 produces F1 keypress (i.e. no modifiers)
  • Shift + Caps Lock + F1 produces Shift + F1 keypress (only Shift counts as a modifier)

I have partially succeeded with this by assigning Caps Lock to Hyper_R, but the problem is this only works if Hyper_R is also set as a modifier, e.g. Mod3. This means Shift + Caps Lock + F1 actually produces Shift + Mod3 + F1 so any hotkeys listening for Shift + F1 don't work because they don't like Mod3 being present.

Is there any way I can use Caps Lock to change they behaviour of certain keys, without actually having it appear to an X application as a modifier key?

The docs I have read hint that this is possible with advanced XKB configuration but I can't find any details.

Best Answer

Sorry, this is ancient, but perhaps even if it's too late for you, someone else may find this hint useful:

In your types, add:

type "CapsShiftSpecial" {
    modifiers= Shift+Hyper;

    map[Shift]= Level2;
    preserve[Shift]= Shift;

    map[Hyper]= Level3;

    map[Shift+Hyper]= Level4;
    preserve[Shift+Hyper]= Shift;

    level_name[Level1]= "Base";
    level_name[Level2]= "Shift";
    level_name[Level3]= "Hyper";
    level_name[Level4]= "Shift Hyper";

Then, in the symbols file, have something like

key <FK01>  { type[group1]="CapsShiftSpecial",
              symbols[group1]=[ F21, F21, F1, F1 ]};

A program monitoring the keystrokes (xev or emacs, for example) will see the keypresses as though you pressed F21, Shift+F21, F1, and Shift+F1.

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