Xclip does not change the clipboard content


I'm trying to give the following command:

echo "hi" | xclip -selection c

This doesn't work? It has worked in the past, but never consistently. I also tried

echo "hi" | xclip -selection primary

echo "hi" | xclip -selection clipboard


xclip is installed (I'm pretty familiar with Linux 🙂 ) and there is no output, it just moves onto the next line and my clipboard contents do not change.

Here is my linux version:

[1450] cgeorge@uaf-7 $ cat /proc/version
Linux version 2.6.18-371.1.2.el5 (mockbuild@builder10.centos.org) (gcc version 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-54)) #1 SMP Tue Oct 22 12:51:53 EDT 2013

Best Answer

X doesn't really have a "clipboard" by default. Selections are managed by the application that "owns" them, and if you want to copy or paste a selection, this is done by communication between both applications, which means the other application that holds the selection must still be running.

There is however a method to take over a selection, so there are generic clipboard applications like xclipboard, which allow other applications to "send" a XA_CLIPBOARD selection.

So, (1) either run xclip with option -l so it keeps running until a second application pastes successfully (that can require several communication rounds, so -l 1 can fail), or (2) run a clipboard manager, and use -selection XA_CLIPBOARD.

You also said "you're clipboard contents don't change", but it's not really clear which "clipboard" you mean, and how the checked that.

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