Workflow management software for Linux


I'm not really sure if the software that I need is a workflow management software.

Basically I need something that I can host on a Linux server that will provide the following functionality:

  • support a pre-set workflow, allowing users to see where they are currently in the workflow, and whether they are expected to act, or they should wait for some external action
  • users also need to see the deadline of the entire workflow and the steps that are still ahead
  • not absolutely required, but it would be nice to have the ability to track versions of files inside the workflow
  • ability to add support materials for steps in the workflow (let's say the workflow went back to the user, to fix some errors, so he will have links to wiki and other relevant materials for that step)
  • notifications, for example for the users, when the workflow gets back into a state where they are expected to act

Best Answer

You should try Redmine.

Some of the main features of Redmine are:

Multiple projects support
Flexible role based access control
Flexible issue tracking system
Gantt chart and calendar
News, documents & files management
Feeds & email notifications
Per project wiki
Per project forums
Time tracking
Custom fields for issues, time-entries, projects and users
SCM integration (SVN, CVS, Git, Mercurial, Bazaar and Darcs)
Issue creation via email
Multiple LDAP authentication support
User self-registration support
Multilanguage support
Multiple databases support

(from Redmine homepage)

There is also a lot of plugins to extend it, and if there isn't a plugin that you need you can create your own easily. ;)

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