Wireguard Connection Between Two LANs Behind Routers


I have two home LANs (100km apart) connected to internet via internet provider routers and would like to them connect with wireguard VPN with two single board computers (NanoPi R2S). NanoPi R2S boards already have armbian and wireguard installed.

One of internet connections has static and other dynamic internet IP. Both are entered in dynamic DNS, and now I have the chance to install dynamic DNS client on nanopis, because clients on routers don't work very well. I can expose wireguard computers via NAT virtual servers functionality on both internet routers.

Site A:

  • Static public IP A.A.A.A and name sitea
  • LAN with default gateway
  • NanoPi eth0 with DHCP reservation

Site B:

  • Dynamic public IP B.B.B.B and name siteb
  • LAN with default gateway
  • NanoPi eth0 with DHCP reservation

I thought Site B would establish a connections from dynamic IP site to Site B exposed server port.

Then all computers on Site A ( should have an additional route, which would direct traffic for Site B ( via Similarly, all computers on Site B ( should have a route to direct traffic for Site A ( via Will that work?

What IPs should I assign to wg0 interfaces? How would then routes look like? How do I route traffic then? Do I need to route it? How should I configure wireguard? I think I don't need exact commands for wireguard. I just need pointers, how the traffic (IPs, routes) should be organized.

With eth0 and wg0, NanoPi R2S would need eth0 for traffic in both ways. Could I easily use another ethernet port on NanoPi (lan0) to increase throughput or to dedicate one port for wireguard and another for LAN? How?

What about devices (phones, laptops), which I move from one site to another and they connect to WiFi/DHCP? I will probably have to enter routes every time, as route in Site A would make a mess on another Site B and vice versa. I know that one of the routers allows entering some static routes, but I need to figure out what they are for.

Best Answer

The solution to this is pretty straightforward, however, I have not found any description on internet how to make such site-to-site VPN. Therefore, I decided to post a solution that works for me, here.

Disclaimer: This solution works for IPv4 only. Since one of my ISPs does not provide any IPv6, I did not configure for IPv6. That remains for the future improvement.

IP forwarding

First IP forwarding needs to be enabled, so nanopi will forward traffic from one interface to another. A line


should be present in /etc/sysctl.conf or in some .conf file in /etc/sysctl.d/. Run sysctl -p or service procps reload (depending on linux distribution), or just reboot to make the change effective.


I will not go into the details how to configure wireguard. There are plenty of them on the internet. I will just write some network details used in my case, and point out two atypical configuration changes that I did in /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf. As mentioned in the question there are two sites:

  1. with nanopi acting as a wireguard server with wireguard address on wg0 interface.
  2. with nanopi acting as a wireguard client with wireguard address on wg0 interface.

Changes in /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf are:

First, an instruction is added to prevent wg-quick to setup its ip rules and routes. A line Table = off is added to [Interface] section:

Table = off

Second, add a route to direct traffic through VPN connection. Again in [Interface] section:

PostUp = ip route add via dev wg0
PreDown = ip route del via dev wg0

The lines above are from the first site, and tell the kernel to route all traffic for another network ( to the IP connected on another side of VPN ( via device wg0. On another site IP numbers in configuration are different (, and

Third, the second wireguard computer acting as a wireguard client has an Endpoint defined in the [Peer] section, while the first one, acting as a server, does not. That endpoint is public IP and port, where server nanopi is accessible. On the router, the server nanopi has to be exposed to the internet in order to allow incoming connections. On the site where the server wireguard computer is, the internet router shall have NAT or Port forwarding or something like that. There should be UDP on port, where wireguard connects, forwarded to the IP and port of the wireguard server IP and port. I will not show that here, because every router, has different GUI for setting that up.

Routing & DHCP

Now, when the wireguard connection works, you should be able to access nano pi on another site via VPN. While logged to ( on wg0) one should be able to ping (or login to), and vice versa. However, other clients on both networks do not have information how to reach there through VPN. They have a default gateway where they forward all the traffic that is not for the local network. Since addresses from the other site are not local, all traffic that should go through VPN goes out to the internet via ISP routers.

One way would be to add custom static route on each device on the network. Some allow that, but many don't. Windows or linux computers have an option to add a route. On android devices that is already a problem. So, other solutions should be found, where one do not need to set a static route on each device.

If ISP router has an option to add custom routes, such a route can be added. I cannot show here how exactly that can be accomplished. In general, all addresses from another site (e.g. with netmask 24 or shall be redirected to

If that is not possible, I would recommend setting up a DHCP server on nanopi and disable DHCP function on ISP router. isc-dhcp-server can be installed on practically all linux distributions, and that server can send proper routing information to all clients on the network, a long as they use DHCP. I will not go into details of DHCP server configuration. Here is an example of /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf:

default-lease-time 600;
max-lease-time 7200;

option subnet-mask;
option broadcast-address;
option routers;
option domain-name "localdomain";
option domain-name-servers;

option rfc3442-classless-static-routes code 121 = array of integer 8;
option ms-classless-static-routes code 249 = array of integer 8;

option rfc3442-classless-static-routes 24, 192, 168, 1, 192, 168, 0, 250, 0, 192, 168, 0, 1;
option ms-classless-static-routes 24, 192, 168, 1, 192, 168, 0, 250, 0, 192, 168, 0, 1;

subnet netmask {

    default-lease-time 86400;
    max-lease-time 172800;

host staticip {
    default-lease-time 86400;
    max-lease-time 172800;

    hardware ethernet aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff;

Everything in dhcp configuration is pretty standard. DHCP is assigning addresses from to Change that to your preferences.

I should point out the lines option rfc3442... and option ms-classless.... They define options for DHCP to send route information. One is for clients following RFC 3442, and another for Microsoft clients, which use another option. The numbers 24, 192, 168, 1, 192, 168, 0, 250, 0, 192, 168, 0, 1 have the following meaning:

  1. First static route:
    • 24 - netmask size
    • 192, 168, 1 - prefix for the netmask defined above
    • 192, 168, 0, 250 - gateway for the network defined above
  2. Second static route:
    • 0 - netmask size (default gateway)
    • no network since the mask above is 0
    • 192, 168, 0, 1 - gateway for the network defined above

Default route has to be provided here, too, because default route should get ignored on client if this information is received via DHCP.

At the end of dchp config file there is an example how to make a DHCP reservation for clients that will have static IP addresses. Enter you hardware ethernet (MAC) address and desired IP.


Now clients from one network should be able access clients on another network via wireguard VPN, provided firewalls will let the traffic through.

If there is a firewall on your VPN computer (e.g. nanopi) it may not allow traffic to enter. Make firewall rules according to your preferences and security requirements of your environment. You can open each individual port that you need to go through on a VPN computer, or you can open all, if it is in a trusted environment. One way to do that is with using firewall-cmd commands. Here is an example:

# set "trusted" as a default zone
firewall-cmd --set-default-zone=trusted

# see in which zones the interfaces are
firewall-cmd --get-active-zones

# you may have to remove eth0 from the zone where it belongs to (public in this case)
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --remove-interface=eth0
# add eth0 to trusted zone
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=trusted --add-interface=eth0

# you may have to remove wg0 from the zone where it belongs to (public in this case)
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --remove-interface=wg0
# add wg0 to trusted zone
firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=trusted --add-interface=wg0

# reload the new config
firewall-cmd --reload

Then there are firewalls on each device that may stop the incoming traffic. Typically, Windows firewall allows some connections from "local network" only. Another site is not on local network, so server will block the connections coming through VPN. You have to add another network (e.g. for each rule that is blocking a particular connection. For instance, for Windows share you have to change all incoming rules for ports 135-139, and 445 on computer sharing. Similarly, you have to change outgoing rules on a computer accessing the share.

I would certainly recommend some time to fine tune the firewalls instead of just shutting them off.

I hope the instructions are clear enough and will help to setup a site-to-site VPN or at least give an idea how to do it. Some knowledge in networking and administration is required.

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