Windows 8 style window manager for Linux


Are there any windows managers out there for Linux that offers the "metro" style window management that Windows 8 offers?

Actually it's not just Windows 8 that offers the style I'm looking for. iOS, Android and tablets in general seem to take a simpler approach to window management that I'm attracted to.

I've heard about tiling managers, which I suspect might be what I am looking for, but from this post I get the impression that they are most often geared for more experienced users who are willing to spend the time to really customize their environment.

Are there such window managers for the less apt user?

Best Answer

The answer to your first question is: No.

But, there are window managers that can be configured to look and behave almost exactly like you want.

The answer to your second question is: Yes.

There are several window managers that are easy to use, without needing to configure them. However, what is percieved as "ease of use", varies from user to user and also depends on which system(s) they are used to before. If you're used to Windows 95, IceWM might work for you. If you're used to Windows XP, Gnome 2 or KDE might do the trick. It's also usually possible to "theme" windowmanagers and make them look like other systems. Some windowmanagers doesn't look anything like Windows, but are relatively easy to use, like BlackBox, OpenBox and PekWM. Good luck finding one that suits you.

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