Will there ever be a Solaris 12


I'm not trying to be inflammatory with this question! I can't any statements though from Oracle regarding the future of Solaris, and wondered if there were any press releases or official notification of future versions. As I understand it, work has been greatly scaled back on Solaris and it's not being developed at a great rate. Is Solaris 11 the final party, with endless security updates to come but nothing else?

Best Answer

There is a Solaris roadmap in page 33 of this slideware from https://blogs.oracle.com/openomics/entry/solaris_day_27nov2013_slides

Have a look to page 2 disclaimer first.

Update: Solaris delivery model has changed and instead of the major disruptive versions that used to be the norm, is moving to a continuous delivery model where new features and changes are introduced by updates, not upgrades.

The "major" version will then indefinitely stay at 11 and there will be Oracle Solaris 11.next updates.

This is described in this blog page: https://blogs.oracle.com/solaris/entry/new_solaris_sparc_roadmap

Note also that along with that announcement, Solaris 11 long term premier support was extended by 10 years, moving from 2021 to 2031 (and even 2034 for extended support).

Update2: Oracle Solaris 11.4 Beta has just been released.

Update3: Oracle Solaris 11.4 was released yesterday (2018/08/28) and was certified as conforming to the Single UNIX Specification Version 7 Standard.

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