Will 32-bit Linux OS Work on Modern 64-bit Desktops


I'm building a minimal "appliance" via SuseStudio (OpenSuse 13.x) – nothing fancy… just running some emulators on it. I'd like the OS to be compatible with as many workstations as possible so I'm leaning towards 32-bit for older processor support. Assuming that I will not be doing anything memory intensive, is there any other reason why I should use 64-bit instead?

Can I be reasonably certain that a 32-bit OS will still work on a modern desktop?

Best Answer

To answer your last question first, x86-64 CPUs (a.k.a. Intel 64, AMD64, x64...; basically any laptop/desktop 64-bit CPU you can get these days) are fully backwards-compatible with 32-bit operating systems and applications. So a 32-bit OS will work on a modern desktop.

As to why you should use 64-bit instead, the 64-bit instruction set adds various features which allow compilers to generate faster code (notably, there are more registers and they can store far more values), so the same application built for x86-64 will often run faster than when it is built for 32-bit mode on the same CPU. This does come at the cost of using more memory for pointers, but the speed increase usually outweighs the pointer cost.

For far more information on all this, check out Wikipedia. You may also be interested in x32 which enables 32-bit software to use the speed-enhancing features of 64-bit CPUs without the pointer cost (but they only run on 64-bit CPUs); Wikipedia also has details.

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