Why is `systemd-tmpfiles –clean` not working


I have the following configuration to clean up temporary files (default for CentOS 7), which says that files in /tmp should be removed if they are more than 10 days old.

[root]# tail -n +10 /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/tmp.conf | head -n 3
# Clear tmp directories separately, to make them easier to override
d /tmp 1777 root root 10d
d /var/tmp 1777 root root 30d

However, even after running systemd-tmpfiles --clean, when I look at the contents of /tmp, there are files in there that are more than 10 days old.

[root]# ls -dl /tmp/backup-inspection
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 68 Aug 29  2014 /tmp/backup-inspection

The contents of the /tmp directory is huge:

[root]# du -h /tmp | tail -n 1
3.5G    /tmp

Can anyone explain to me why the backup-inspection directory is not removed? It is nearly 1 year old?

Best Answer

I have run into the same problem recently and found this question, so i am sharing my experience.

Actually systemd-tmpfiles has full support for recursive directory tree processing as you would expect (the other answer confused me enough to check the source code). The reason files was not deleted (in my case) was atime. systemd-tmpfiles checks ctime (except for directories), mtime and atime and all three (or two) of them must be old enough for the file (or directory) to be deleted.

Actually there may be other reasons, because systemd-tmpfiles has a lot of internal rules for skipping files. To find out why some files are not deleted, run systemd-tmpfiles as following:

env SYSTEMD_LOG_LEVEL=debug systemd-tmpfiles --clean

It will probably dump a lot of output into your console. Note that if you try to redirect stdout to e.g. a file, output disappears and is sent to systemd journal (so that it can be obtained via e.g. journalctl). In my case the output was also cut in the middle (or i just do not know how to use journalctl), so my solution was to temporarily increase history buffer in my terminal emulator.