Why I was able to fix a broken package with aptitude but I could not with either apt-get or synaptic


Yesterday I upgraded my Debian Testing and Audacious stopped to work. Troubleshooting I found that the problem was that it was updated to a recent version but the needed plugins were not. I tried to manually install the plugins from its website but I couldn't, missing a lot of packages, and every time I installed one it requires other and so on.

So my solution was to change my repositories to wheezy and go back to the old version. After this, audacious was broken and I couldn't fix it. I tried apt-get clean, apt-get install -f and the Fix broken packages at Synaptic. Neither worked. However, I installed it using aptitude and it was installed after automatically fix the dependencies.

My question is, why neither apt-get nor Synaptic weren't able to fix the dependencies, and aptitude was?

Best Answer

Aptitude is more aggressive at the time of solving dependencies, in fact it creates several recipes to solve the dependencies. What you probably did, you tried to install/remove/upgrade, aptitude detected some broken dependencies and asked you if you accept the proposed fix.

You didn't noticed (pressing YYYY) but aptitude did asked you and you accepted the fix.

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