Why doesn’t “ping -l” works when ping works


I can ping

ping AddressIp
64 bytes from indirizzoIp: icmp_req=1 ttl=42 time=149 ms

but with additionnal parameter

ping AddressIp -l 1400 
ping: cannot set preload to value > 3

ping AddressIp -t -l 1400
ping: can't set unicast time-to-live: Invalid argument

Why can't I ping?

Best Answer

ping AddressIp -l 1400 
ping: cannot set preload to value > 3

You need superuser rights to access this feature of ping with a value more than 3.


sudo ping AddressIp -l 1400


Do you want a "size" option for your ping packets? I guess, in Windows option -l means "size of the packet", but in Linux there is another option for that.

Try -s option:

sudo ping  AddressIp  -s 1000 -l 1400


In Linux ping is going until you stop it, so you don't need the Windows -t option.

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