Why does tar have a low CPU usage but high system load

cpu usageloadtar

I'm using tar to backup my server once every day. Even though CPU usage (of the tar command and the system overall) doesn't go over 10%, my system load is like 3.98 3.71 3.82 when the script is running. (on a 2 core 4 thread system)

Why does tar show so little CPU in practice, while producing such a high system load in the meanwhile. And, most importantly, should I be worried?

I don't use compression, just a pure tarball. I compress at the start of each new month.

Best Answer

You see a high system load because tar spends a lot of time waiting for I/O. You see a low CPU usage because tar uses very little CPU time: it's mostly just copying some bytes when the disk delivers them. Linux includes time waiting for I/O in the load average (unlike many other Unix variants), but not in a process's CPU time. (Source: https://linuxtechsupport.blogspot.com/2008/10/what-exactly-is-load-average.html via Wikipedia)

There's nothing to be worried about. You asked the computer to do an I/O-bound operation and it's busy doing some I/O. Business as expected.