Why does Firefox create $HOME/.pulse-cookie, when I am not using pulseaudio


It drives me crazy when programs save their files directly in my $HOME. Even more so, when the files are garbage which has no use. One such example is $HOME/.pulse-cookie, which is being created by Firefox every time I play a video in the browser:


I am not using pulse audio, and I don't have pulse audio installed. Why does Firefox create this file ? Obviously, it is not needed for anything, because everything works fine when i delete it and make my /home immutable (chattr +i /home/martin), so that it cannot be created again.

Is there a way to tell Firefox not to create this file ?

A second best solution would be to tell Firefox to create it somewhere else where it does not bother me (/tmp/).

I am using Firefox (Iceweasel) 31 on Debian Wheezy

Best Answer

You could specify the file be created in /tmp by adding that value to /etc/pulse/client.conf:

cookie-file = /tmp/pulse-cookie
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