Gnome Terminal – Why F10 Opens Right-Click Menu


I am running Fedora 17 gnome (shell) 3 and gnome terminal

I am a user of both gnome-terminal and midnight commander. As default gnome-terminal has always used F10 (which I need while using mc), to opening the top menu. So was this time. I was able to disable that behaviour in the settings, as always.

Which is new to me, is that after I disabled the setting, it started opening the "right-click menu" at the mouse cursor when I press F10. The key goes to mc too, but it is annoying to have to always close the menu.

I assume it is caused by gnome terminal, as it does not happen in other apps. Is this a "feature" or bug, has anyone else encountered the same problem and how to fix it?

Best Answer

Here is a simple solution for the problem described:

For GTK 3 apps like gnome-terminal and nautilus just create (or edit if you have one) the file ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css with following content:

$ cat ~/.config/gtk-3.0/gtk.css
@binding-set NoKeyboardNavigation {
unbind "F10"

* {
gtk-key-bindings: NoKeyboardNavigation
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