Sudo Command – Which User’s Password Does Sudo Ask For?


$ ls -l /usr/bin/sudo
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 136808 Jul  4  2017 /usr/bin/sudo

so sudo is runnable by any user, and any user who runs sudo will have root as the effective user ID of the process because the set-user-id bit of /usr/bin/sudo is set.


the most visible difference between sudo and su is that sudo requires the user's password and su requires root's password.

  1. Which user's password does sudo asks for? Is it the user represented by the real user ID of the process?

    If yes, doesn't any user can gain the superuser privilege by running sudo and then providing their own password? Can Linux restrict that on some users?

  2. Is it correct thatsudo asks for the password after execve() starts to execute main() of /usr/bin/sudo?

    Since the euid of the process has been changed to root (because the set-user-id bit of /usr/bin/sudo is set), what is the point of sudo asking for password later?


I have read, but it doesn't answer the questions above.

Best Answer

  1. In its most common configuration, sudo asks for the password of the user running sudo (as you say, the user corresponding to the process’ real user id). The point of sudo is to grant extra privileges to specific users (as determined by the configuration in sudoers), without those users having to provide any other authentication than their own. However, sudo does check that the user running sudo really is who they claim to be, and it does that by asking for their password (or whatever authentication mechanism is set up for sudo, usually using PAM — so this could involve a fingerprint, or two-factor authentication etc.).

    sudo doesn’t necessarily grant the right to become root, it can grant a variety of privileges. Any user allowed to become root by sudoers can do so using only their own authentication; but a user not allowed to, can’t (at least, not by using sudo). This isn’t enforced by Linux itself, but by sudo (and its authentication setup).

  2. sudo does indeed ask for the password after it’s started running; it can’t do otherwise (i.e. it can’t do anything before it starts running). The point of sudo asking for the password, even though it’s root, is to verify the running user’s identity (in its typical configuration).

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