Which tools for ASCII portfolio visualization


I. I want to do a simple graph from timestamp YEAR-month-day to valuation, not wanting to use spreadsheets. Is there some ASCII tool for it to see it on CLI? There are over 500k lines of data, and I want to see only a sketch of it like in Ascii:

|          *
|    *   *   *
|  *   *       *   *
|*               *
|----------------------> Timestamp

II. Then, I want to see allocation like in pizza slices:

        - - -
     -\       -
   -    \ World -
  - Food \ Index -
   -    /  \   -
     - /oil \-
        - - -

I know how-to-get grappy CSV data in Python but totally inexperienced in visualization:

import csv
csv_reader = csv.reader(open('data.csv', 'rb'), delimiter=';')
for row in csv_reader:
    # do something with row....

Before I do my own ASCII visualization thing, I want to know whether such thing exists. How do you visualize your portfolio in ASCII?

Best Answer

Searching here you will find that gnuplot (in dumb terminal mode) has been suggested before.

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