Which Linux distributions support full disk encryption (including /boot)


Recently I came across many Linux distributions. Before that I've been always using OpenSUSE so some things apparently were quite obvious to me – for example that it's possible and quite easy to set up full disk encryption or arbitrary, custom mount options on installer level. However it seems that actually such option is really exotic and apart from Arch Linux (where it's hard to call it "supported by installer"), probably Gentoo and OpenSUSE I couldn't find any distribution that allows you to encrypt whole disk (including /boot).

Just to avoid confusion – I'm talking about setup where first stage of GRUB asks for password before even showing GRUB menu to unlock initrd, then initrd asks for the same password again to load kernel and other stuff. In OpenSUSE installer it's performed automatically in case /boot is placed on encrypted LVM. However Debian, RedHat, CentOS, Ubuntu, Mint and probably all distros using similar installers claim it's incorrect configuration and refuse to install OS.

Are there any other non-specialized (means those strictly privacy oriented distributions like Tails or Whonix don't really count) distributions apart from mentioned 3 that support such installation scheme?

EDIT: In response to @henriquehbr to be 100% clear on what do I mean by full disk encryption:

enter image description here

There's no separate /boot partition. System asks for password twice: In GRUB:
enter image description here

And after GRUB:
enter image description here
enter image description here

In the end there's only 1 partition which is encrypted LVM:
enter image description here


What is referred to as "encrypted LVM" in all other installers I know:
enter image description here

Is configuration with separate /boot partition.
enter image description here

Trying to remove /boot partition results in following errors on Debian and Ubuntu:
enter image description here
enter image description here

Sorry for a lot of pictures but I wanted to make it 100% clear.

Best Answer

I think all of the big name distributions do. Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu, openSUSE and so on. they may not advertise it as much as Ubuntu and Mint do, but the option is almost always there in the disk partitioning section of the installer.

EDIT: In reply to @Lapsio, i googled about this, and found that Ubuntu and Mint still support the full disk encryption during installation

Ubuntu 16.04

enter image description here

Mint 17.X

enter image description here

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