Which home directory should ‘nobody’ have


I'm messing around with Tiger security audits on my CentOS box, ensuring the server is fit for being online, well as close as it can get anyway.

I noticed a warning about the user nobody having / as a home directory. I just can't figure out which directory it should "live in" so to speak. So where shall I put this fella? And how about ncsd now we're at it?

I guess the questions really are: What is nobody and ncsd for? Which security risk does it impose for those users to have root set as their home directory? In an optimal environment, where would their home directories be?

Best Answer

[EDIT]: I misunderstood the question. I will write a more appropriate answer here.

I do not know Tiger Security, but I agree that the user nobody is mean to have NO homedir, NO right over any subdir at all and is mean to really to have NO shell at all (and to do never properly do a 'login').

But the actual settings (in /etc/passwd) are different for different Linux distros and BSDs and *unix.

I checked using this command :

$ grep nobody /etc/passwd

on RedHat 5.2 (that is the same as a Centos), and I find :


so probably '/' this is the standard for RedHat/Centos.

I checked on Ubuntu 10.04 :


(and '/nonexistent' does not exist)

and on Mac OSX 10.4 Tiger (that is a BSD derivate) :

nobody:*:-2:-2:Unprivileged User:/var/empty:/usr/bin/false

(and '/var/empty' exists and is empty)

My guess is that Tiger Security does not like the standard setting on RedHat/CentOS. You can probably safely ignore this warning or you can edit /etc/passwd setting nobody's home to an empty or non-existent directory in order to satisfy the Tiger Security test.

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