Where are NFS defaults specified


In regards to: Preventing broken NFS connection from freezing the client system.

My system runs SLES 11.4 and I use NFS v3.

In my /etc/fstab file on an NFS client system I have:

mastersystem:/masterdata  /data  nfs defaults 0 0

Can someone tell me how I can find out what the defaults are? I'm looking to find where in the filesystem it says to use whatever options as default from the listing shown by doing a man nfs?

Best Answer

Taken from man fstab

Basic filesystem-independent options are:

defaults use default options: rw, suid, dev, exec, auto, nouser, and async.

This defines the settings for the defaults keyword.

NFS has its own (additional) set of defaults that are implied unless you tell it otherwise. An example of this is hard vs soft, where hard is the implied value unless you specify soft. These are not enumerated clearly anywhere that I know of, but must be gleaned (quite possibly painfully slowly) from the nfs(5) man page.

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