Command-Line – When to Use xargs

command linexargs

The xargs command always confuses me. Is there a general rule for it?

Consider the two examples below:

$ \ls | grep Cases | less

prints the files that match 'Cases', but changing the command to touch will require xargs:

$ \ls | grep Cases | touch
touch: missing file operand
Try `touch --help' for more information.

$ \ls | grep Cases | xargs touch

Best Answer

The difference is in what data the target program is accepting.

If you just use a pipe, it receives data on STDIN (the standard input stream) as a raw pile of data that it can sort through one line at a time. However some programs don't accept their commands on standard in, they expect it to be spelled out in the arguments to the command. For example touch takes a file name as a parameter on the command line like so: touch file1.txt.

If you have a program that outputs filenames on standard out and want to use them as arguments to touch, you have to use xargs which reads the STDIN stream data and converts each line into space separated arguments to the command.

These two things are equivalent:

# touch file1.txt
# echo file1.txt | xargs touch

Don't use xargs unless you know exactly what it's doing and why it's needed. It's quite often the case that there is a better way to do the job than using xargs to force the conversion. The conversion process is also fraught with potential pitfalls like escaping and word expansion etc.

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