Command Line – Troubleshooting Cron Jobs

command linecron

I have the following cron jobs defined.

55  8   *   *   3   /usr/bin/php /home/mark/dev/processes/customClient/events.php > /home/mark/dev/processes/customClient/events-`date +%Y-%m-%d --date='last Wednesday'`-`date +%Y-%m-%d`.csv
0   9   *   *   3   /usr/bin/echo 'The csv for last week, trying my hand at automatiging this' | /usr/bin/mutt <emailaddress> -s 'Events from `date +%Y-%m-%d --date='last Wednesday'`-`date +%Y-%m-%d`' -a '/home/mark/dev/processes/customClient/events-`date +%Y-%m-%d --date='last Wednesday'`-`date +%Y-%m-%d`.csv'

It seems to work properly if I run it the above command directly from the command line. But when I checked the running of the script this morning I got an e-mail stating (I'm paraphrasing because I accidentally deleted them) that the back ticks weren't closed properly.

Best Answer

I strongly recommend putting any non-trivial cron jobs into their own shell script file, for many reasons:

  • Easier to debug: you can just run the script instead of copy pasting a long line, and with the right shebang line, it behaves much more predictably than if you had the same commands directly in the crontab
  • Easier to read: no need to make it a 200+ character one-liner, you can format it nicely so it's easy to read and understand for everyone
  • Add the script to version control
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