What’s the use dirsync option for mount


Today I stumbled upon this mount's option:

All directory updates within the filesystem should be done synchronously.
This affects the following system calls: creat, link, unlink, symlink,
mkdir, rmdir, mknod and rename.

What are some real-life use cases for this option? When would I want to use dirsync instead of sync?

Best Answer

sync does everything dirsync does, plus more. Unfortunately this 'more' is a significant performance penalty. With sync enabled, all disk I/O is immediately written to disk. With dirsync, only directory operations are immediately written.

The only case I've seen where one might want to use dirsync instead of sync is in the case of network filesystems. When multiple boxes are working in a shared directory, they might try to create the file at around the same time. One box will create the file, but without dirsync on, the file isn't visible to other boxes yet. With dirsync on, the file will show up immediately, so the other servers at least know it exists and can now perform file locking on it.