What’s the recommended way to run a service as a non-root user


I have a simple init.d script which starts and stops a process. I call the init.d as root, but I'd like the process it controls to run as a specific user.

The most common suggestion online seems to be to do

su myuser -c "my_process args"

However, this creates a second process space, new shell etc. and is somewhat inelegant.

I'd prefer to use exec(), since it replaces the shell, but this doesn't take a user as argument. Is this a case where I should use setuid() first? What about setting the gid? Are there any gotchas to be aware of?

Alternatively, are there distro-specific solutions to running the init.d as a different user? My environment is Centos 6.4.

Best Answer

Depends on the distribution but RHEL-based distros use a Bash function they source from /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions that's called daemon which is itself just a wrapper around the runuser command. From what I can tell in the source files, it's functionally identical to su in most cases, it just doesn't go through PAM (probably to avoid some chicken and egg problems in certain cases).

That's not really going to answer your objections, but it's how services do it. The cleanliness and overall conformity to logic that you're wanting is part of the motivation for things like systemd

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