What special meaning does “#” have within a parameter-expansion pattern


Suppose I’ve defined a variable like


and I want to print it without the leading “123#”. (This kind of thing happens in zsh when you’re working with numbers in bases other than 10.) The “Parameter Expansion” section of the manual says,



If the pattern matches the beginning of the value of name, then substitute the value of name with the matched portion deleted; otherwise, just substitute the value of name. In the first form, the smallest matching pattern is preferred; in the second form, the largest matching pattern is preferred.

This suggests to me that I should be able to say

print ${number#123#}

to get rid of the “123#”, but this actually outputs “3#456”. I found that I can get the desired effect if I escape the “#” that I’m trying to remove:

print ${number#123\#}    # prints "456"

What was the special meaning that the “#” had before I escaped it?

Best Answer

# is a glob operator that means “zero or more occurrences of the preceding character or parenthesized group”. It's the zsh way of writing the * regex operator. Hence 123# matches 12 at the start of 123#456 when taking the shortest match (${number#123#}) and it matches 123 when taking the longest match (${number##123#}).

The # operator is only active when the extended_glob option is set. This option is not set by default, but it's common to set it in your configuration (because it's pretty useful and largely non-annoying), and it's always set while executing completion functions.

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