What process is sending TCP SYNs on Solaris 10


Some process on my Solaris 10 machine is sending TCP SYNs to a remote machine. The remote machine never responds, so the connection is not established. How do I find out what process is initiating this?

I've been looking at DTrace scripts but a) I don't know Dtrace well enough to create my own, b) haven't found an existing script, and c) some that I have found use probes not available in my version.

Thanks for any insight.

Best Answer

Have a look at this Dtrace script: conntrack

# ./conntrack -h
USAGE: ./conntrack [-h] [-p port] [-c command] [-u user]
   -p port         # filter by port (incompatible with user and command)
   -c command      # filter by command (incompatible with port and user)
   -u user         # filter by user (incompatible with port and command)
       ./conntrack -p 22    # snoop connections to port 22
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