What makes it possible for a `pulseaudio’ process to get the nice level of -11

d-busniceprioritypulseaudioreal time

I noticed that a pulseaudio process on my Gentoo Linux machine has the nice level of -11. But I don't know how it has gained such a high priority regardless of being owned by a normal user.

I know a non-root user can launch a program only with a lower priority than 0 with the nice command, and it says "Permission denied" if we try to give a process a higher priority than 0.

Because the pulseaudio process is owned by me (a non-root user), I think it cannot get such a high priority without any special treatment.

So, my question is what "treatment" does enable pulseaudio to have a low niceness value.

Best Answer

PulseAudio requires higher priority than other desktop programs mainly to avoid latency problems and get a skip-free audio playback. But the process that allows PulseAudio to have a higher priority is rather complex.

To get this special priority, it uses the RealtimeKit (rtkit-daemon) process. This D-Bus service allows some user programs to use real-time scheduling and enforces some strict policies to prevent abuse:

  • Only clients with RLIMIT_RTTIME set will get RT scheduling.
    • RLIMIR_RTIME: Specifies a limit on the amount of CPU time that a process scheduled under a real-time scheduling policy may consume without making a blocking system call
  • RT scheduling will only be handed out to processes with SCHED_RESET_ON_FORK set to guarantee that the scheduling settings cannot 'leak' to child processes, thus making sure that 'RT fork bombs' cannot be used to bypass RLIMIT_RTTIME and take the system down.
    • SCHED_RESET_ON_FORK: If set this will make sure that when the process forks a) the scheduling priority is reset to DEFAULT_PRIO if it was higher and b) the scheduling policy is reset to SCHED_NORMAL if it was either SCHED_FIFO or SCHED_RR.
  • Limits are enforced on all user controllable resources, only a maximum number of users, processes, threads can request RT scheduling at the same time.
  • Only a limited number of threads may be made RT in a specific time frame.
  • Client authorization is verified with PolicyKit.

[...] it includes a canary-based watchdog that automatically demotes all real-time threads to SCHED_OTHER should the system overload despite the logic pointed out above. For more information regarding canary-based RT watchdogs [...]

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