What does the `who` command result `root :0` mean

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The return value of command who will always include root :0 in X Window pts. I guess it actually means the GNOME login. Am I right?

Another question is where to get this knowledge, as I don't see it in the man who, neither in info who.


[root@localhost root]# who
root     :0           Sep 11 06:33 
root     pts/0        Sep 11 06:36     (:0.0)

Best Answer

See info who (who's Stallman's domain)

If given no non-option arguments, `who' prints the following information for each user currently logged on: login name, terminal line, login time, and remote hostname or X display.

This is X display number (and might be screen number as well, like, 0:0)

Though, it doesn't contain any root for my pseudoterminal X windows. If you're logged in as root, that's probably bad from security point of view.

UPDATE: Display and screen are logical concepts of X windows system. When I say here "screen" or "display" I mean X windows screen or display, not any physical device (who refers to X windows displays and screens, too).

enter image description here

The point of displays is that your computer may run several instances of X server at the same time, then they are said to be run on different displays. E.g. your normal graphical environment can be shown by X server instance 1 at display:0 and you may also have a remote desktop application such as Xephyr or Xnest starting another instance of X server at display:1 and outputting to a single window: see https://superuser.com/questions/363988/display-remote-x-session-complete-desktop-in-one-client-x-window.

X windows system was design to allow X server and X client be separated by the network. For their interaction it relies on Berkley sockets mechanism. Each X server behaves just like a web-server (e.g. Apache) in terms of its interaction with clients. Just like Apache creates TCP/IP sockets to listen to connecting browsers, processes their requests and sends responses, Xorg creates

  • TCP/IP sockets for remote X clients
  • Unix domain sockets for local X clients

It processes their requests to draw onto the display and instead of responses sends events - notifications of user activity (mouse buttons clicked, keyboard keys presses etc.).

Each display corresponds to a separate instance of X Server and there's a convention for TCP/IP port numbers and Unix domain socket names, on which displays should listen. To determine the TCP/IP port number, add 6000 to the display number. For example, Display Number 1 listens on TCP port 6001 (1 + 6000 = 6001). Unix domain sockets for Xorg are typically located in /tmp/.X11-unix/ and named appropriately.

Screens: screens were designed to handle the case, when your computer has several physical monitors, but one X server instance draws its output on both. Then first monitor is said to be screen0 and second monitor to be screen1. Xclients had to choose only 1 screen for themselves. To be honest, I never dealt with that case myself and nowadays its pretty much dead, cause with Xinerama extension you may have one X screen, like 0:0 span to several physical monitors as on the picture at wikipedia.

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