What Does ‘l’ Mean in an ls Listing?


When I run ls -adl .* in one of my directories, I get a file that has this listing:

lrwxrwxrwx  1 user group   43 Jul  3 16:25 .#filename.py ->  

The filename and URL-looking thing are highlighted in red. What does the l mean in lrwxrwxrwx? What kind of file is this?

Best Answer

As pointed out by unxnut, .#filename.py is a special kind of file called a symbolic link. Symbolic links point to other files. Opening a symbolic link will open the file that the link points to. Removing a symbolic link with rm will remove the symbolic link itself. Your symbolic link is pointing to person@computer.edu.4018:1372874769. If that file does not exist or you do not have the appropriate permissions to read that file, you will not be able to open it in emacs.

Whether or not you can remove a file is dependent on the permissions of the directory that the file is in. You need write (w) permissions for the file's directory in order to remove the file.