What does GID mean


What does GID actually mean?

I have Googled it and this is what linux.about.com said:

Group identification number for the process. Valid group numbers are given in /etc/group, and in the GID field of /etc/passwd file. When a process is started, its GID is set to the GID of its parent process.

  • But what does that mean?

The permissions I have for my folder is currently at 0755

I understand if I set the UID for the Owner it will be 4755

And if I set the GID of the Group it will be 2755

If I set the Sticky Bit for Others it will be 1755

  • Is it even important to set those permissions?

Best Answer

Every process in a UNIX-like system, just like every file, has an owner (the user, either real or a system "pseudo-user", such as daemon, bin, man, etc) and a group owner. The group owner for a user's files is typically that user's primary group, and in a similar fashion, any processes you start are typically owned by your user ID and by your primary group ID.

Sometimes, though, it is necessary to have elevated privileges to run certain commands, but it is not desirable to give full administrative rights. For example, the passwd command needs access to the system's shadow password file, so that it can update your password. Obviously, you don't want to give every user root privileges, just so they can reset their password - that would undoubtedly lead to chaos! Instead, there needs to be another way to temporarily grant elevated privileges to users to perform certain tasks. That is what the SETUID and SETGID bits are for. It is a way to tell the kernel to temporarily raise the user's privileges, for the duration of the marked command's execution. A SETUID binary will be executed with the privileges of the owner of the executable file (usually root), and a SETGID binary will be executed with the group privileges of the group owner of the executable file. In the case of the passwd command, which belongs to root and is SETUID, it allows normal users to directly affect the contents of the password file, in a controlled and predictable manner, by executing with root privileges. There are numerous other SETUID commands on UNIX-like systems (chsh, screen, ping, su, etc), all of which require elevated privileges to operate correctly. There are also a few SETGID programs, where the kernel temporarily changes the GID of the process, to allow access to logfiles, etc. sendmail is such a utility.

The sticky bit serves a slightly different purpose. Its most common use is to ensure that only the user account that created a file may delete it. Think about the /tmp directory. It has very liberal permissions, which allow anyone to create files there. This is good, and allows users' processes to create temporary files (screen, ssh, etc, keep state information in /tmp). To protect a user's temp files, /tmp has the sticky bit set, so that only I can delete my files, and only you can delete yours. Of course, root can do anything, but we have to hope that the sysadmin isn't deranged!

For normal files (that is, for non-executable files), there is little point in setting the SETUID/SETGID bits. SETGID on directories on some systems controls the default group owner for new files created in that directory.