What does extended_history in zsh do

command historyzsh

I saw the option extended_history and saw it being used as in Per-directory history in zsh but haven't really understood what does extended_history actually do ?

What info. would become available in zsh_history which otherwise wouldn't if this option is not set.

From http://zsh.sourceforge.net/Doc/Release/Options.html#Options it says about –


    Save each command’s beginning timestamp (in seconds since the epoch) and the duration (in seconds) to the history file. The format of this prefixed data is:

    ‘: <beginning time>:<elapsed seconds>;<command>’. 

But I don't see any benefit to it at least while running the history command –

 shirish@debian ~ % history | grep tail -5
      601* exit
      602* history
      603* exit
      604  cd
      605  cat ~/.zsh/.zshrc
      606   tail -5 history

This is how my ~/.zsh/.zshrc is set up –

shirish@debian ~ % cat ~/.zsh/.zshrc
# Lines configured by zsh-newuser-install
setopt inc_append_history autocd nomatch notify share_history extended_history
bindkey -e
# End of lines configured by zsh-newuser-install

# display how long all tasks over 10 seconds take
export REPORTTIME=10

# The following lines were added by compinstall
zstyle :compinstall filename '/home/shirish/.zsh//.zshrc'

autoload -Uz compinit promptinit
# End of lines added by compinstall

prompt adam1

I didn't see any difference either after setting the option or taking it out, no meaningful difference.

shirish@debian ~ % cat ~/.zsh/.zshrc | grep setopt
setopt inc_append_history autocd nomatch notify share_history extended_history
shirish@debian ~ % source ~/.zsh/.zshrc           
shirish@debian ~ % history -E                     
  337  11.1.2018 23:33  history | grep apg
  338  11.1.2018 23:33  man apg
  339  11.1.2018 23:33  cd
  340  11.1.2018 23:33  apg -a 1 -M n -n 3 -m 20
  341  11.1.2018 23:33  apg -a 1 -M SNCL -n 3 -m 20
  342  11.1.2018 23:33  history 
  343  11.1.2018 23:33  history -E
  344  11.1.2018 23:33  leafpad ~/.zsh/.zshrc
  345  11.1.2018 23:33  cat ~/.zsh/.zshrc
  346  11.1.2018 23:33  source ~/.zsh/.zshrc
  347  11.1.2018 23:33  history -E
  348  11.1.2018 23:33  exit
  349  11.1.2018 23:33  history -E
  350  11.1.2018 23:34  leafpad ~/.zsh/.zshrc
  351  11.1.2018 23:35  cat ~/.zsh/.zshrc | grep setopt
  352  11.1.2018 23:35  source ~/.zsh/.zshrc
shirish@debian ~ % leafpad ~/.zsh/.zshrc          
shirish@debian ~ % source ~/.zsh/.zshrc 
shirish@debian ~ % history -E           
  340  11.1.2018 23:33  apg -a 1 -M n -n 3 -m 20
  341  11.1.2018 23:33  apg -a 1 -M SNCL -n 3 -m 20
  342  11.1.2018 23:33  history 
  343  11.1.2018 23:33  history -E
  344  11.1.2018 23:33  leafpad ~/.zsh/.zshrc
  345  11.1.2018 23:33  cat ~/.zsh/.zshrc
  346  11.1.2018 23:33  source ~/.zsh/.zshrc
  347  11.1.2018 23:33  history -E
  348  11.1.2018 23:33  exit
  349  11.1.2018 23:33  history -E
  350  11.1.2018 23:34  leafpad ~/.zsh/.zshrc
  351  11.1.2018 23:35  cat ~/.zsh/.zshrc | grep setopt
  352  11.1.2018 23:35  source ~/.zsh/.zshrc
  353  11.1.2018 23:35  history -E
  354  11.1.2018 23:36  leafpad ~/.zsh/.zshrc
  355  11.1.2018 23:36  source ~/.zsh/.zshrc
shirish@debian ~ % cat ~/.zsh/.zshrc | grep setopt
setopt inc_append_history autocd nomatch notify share_history

As can be seen there doesn't seem to be any difference.

% zsh --version
zsh 5.4.2 (x86_64-debian-linux-gnu)

Best Answer

The output of history -E will always be the same regardless of the EXTENDED_HISTORY option. The duration of the command is stored directly in the history file (just examine the file to see the values).

However, another gotcha is that there are a few options that will override this behavior. You can test to see if it is working by running a command like sleep 3, which should result in an entry that looks like this:

pol@host ~ $ sleep 3
pol@host ~ $ tail -1 ${HISTFILE}
: 1530663493:3;sleep 3
pol@host ~ $ setopt | grep hist

You can see that the "duration" value is 3. If it is not 3, then it is likely that you have another option set that is preventing EXTENDED_HISTORY from working. These include SHARED_HISTORY and INC_APPEND_HISTORY. If you need the former, then you are out of luck. For the latter one, there is an alternative INC_APPEND_HISTORY_TIME that you can use instead if you want to also have EXTENDED_HISTORY values (as I have above).

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