Useradd – What Does `adduser –disabled-login` Do?


An install document I'm following instructs to add a user like so:

sudo adduser --disabled-login --gecos 'GitLab' git

The --disabled-login flag is absent from most man pages I have searched.

I've made two users, one with the --disabled-login (foo), and one without (git).

As far as I can tell the --disabled-login flag does nothing. I can still su to both users, and both use /bin/bash as their login shell.

The only difference I can see is getent passwd has extra commas before the home folder on the user that has login's disabled. There is no documentation that I can find to indicate what this would mean.

root@gitlab:~# getent passwd git

root@gitlab:~# getent passwd foo


I've found another difference, one user has a * as their password, the other has !:

root@gitlab:~# getent shadow git
root@gitlab:~# getent shadow foo

What exactly does --disabled-login do on Ubuntu?

Best Answer

The explanation is not well documented.

--disabled-login sets the password to !

Password values

NP or null = The account has no password
*  = The account is deactivated & locked
!  = The login is deactivated, user will be unable to login
!!  = The password has expired


root@gitlab:~# getent shadow vagrant

root@gitlab:~# getent shadow foo

root@gitlab:~# getent shadow git

wikipedia briefly covers this. It appears that * and ! effectively do the same thing; prevent the user from logging in (but not from su'ing from a different user)

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