LS – What Does a Red-Colored Filename Mean?


I have been exploring files in bash, and in /etc/ssl/certs, most of the filenames are light blue. There is a red filename though, and I can't figure out why it is red.

Most of the files in this directory are .pem files. The red one is also a .pem file. It happens to be something like China_Internet_Network_Information_Center...pem

According to this stack exchange question , light blue filenames mean linked files, while red file names mean "archived" files. What does that mean? Looking at the directory with ls -all, I still can't tell what makes the filename red. Can anyone explain why it is red?

Best Answer

First you need to know the VT100 color code

I don't know what your text actually looks like, but "red text" is 31.

Then you want to look at the dircolors command, and find everything that has a 31 in it. In my case, that would be:


Then you can go here

which tells you

  • or is an "orphan", a symbolic link with no target
  • the rest are file globs that match assorted archive and compression schemes

.pem doesn't appear on my list, and .pem files aren't colored on my system, so I can't help you further than that. But I'd guess "orphan".

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