What do the letters in `fc` command stand for


I just came across the fc command which lets you edit the previous command and issue it afterwards.

It has its own FCEDIT environment variable for setting its editor, and a man page in POSIX Programmer's Manual (1p).

It creates a file in /tmp directory and executes the contents if the file is saved (:wq in vim).

Apart from that, it can number and list fc -l previously executed commands to choose from.

So it's really nice and handy command to know.

The question is what does its name really mean; how to associate the command with its function in mind?

"First-class"? or maybe even just as "Function" (what came to my mind after composing the previous sentence)?

The manual refers to it simply as "the fc utility".

Best Answer

Although the zshbuiltins(1) man page does not indicate it, the fc command is pretty much the same as its bash counterpart. Simply (F)ix (C)ommand.

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