What client for DECwindows


I have inherited a VAX system that was just migrated onto CHARON-VAX (VMS emulated on Windows) I can access it via ssh, but not with X.
Anyone here familiar with DECwindows? is it X compliant? Or do I need a specific client to access it?

Best Answer

First make sure your CHARON-VMS instance has working IPv4. For example, make sure it can ping a host on your network. Also make sure that SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.COM allows TCP: decw$server_transports == "DECNET,LOCAL,TCPIP".

Then log in from your Linux box using ssh -Y or ssh -X and run an X11 application (for example RUN SYS$SYSTEM:DECW$CLOCK).

If this doesn't work, try changing ssh -X to ssh -Y. Or experiment with turning X11 authorisation off entirely by typing xhost +.

More info: http://labs.hoffmanlabs.com/node/134 (although that page gets "client" and "server" backwards - in X11, the server is the system with the monitor).

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