What are the steps needed to cache passphrases entered via pinentry using gpg-preset-passphrase in 2.1.15


I'm seeking to cache passphrases for use on an unattended machine. As doing this poses some risk, I'd prefer choosing which passphrases get cached and avoid setting both default-cache-ttl and max-cache-ttl to obnoxiously high values as well as avoid needing to clear gpg-agent's entire cache periodically – hence I'm looking for a solution with gpg-preset-passphrase. Some of the information I found while troubleshooting refer to older versions of GnuPG so I'm unsure if I have sufficiently accounted for all the differences.

First, as prescribed by man 1 gpg-agent, I have export GPG_TTY=$(tty) in my .bashrc.

Now suppose I run eval $(gpg-agent --daemon --allow-preset-passphrase --default-cache-ttl 1 --max-cache-ttl 31536000) to start gpg-agent, noting that gpg-preset-passphrase still honors –max-cache-ttl (default 2 hours).

I then get the keygrip $KEYGRIP of the desired secret subkey with gpg --with-keygrip -K.

With that I try /path/to/gpg-preset-passphrase -c $KEYGRIP. Upon hitting return, this prints:

   gpg-preset-passphrase: caching passphrase failed: Not implemented

Attempting again adding --verbose --debug 6 --log-file /path/to/gpg-agent.log to gpg-agent, my log is appended with

   gpg-agent[4206] listening on socket /run/user/1000/gnupg/S.gpg-agent
   gpg-agent[4207] gpg-agent (GnuPG) 2.1.15 started
   gpg-agent[4207] handler 0x7f86ef783700 for fd 5 started
   gpg-agent[4207] command PRESET_PASSPHRASE failed: Not implemented
   gpg-agent[4207] handler 0x7f86ef783700 for fd 5 terminated

I'm unsure where to proceed from this apart from diving deeper into the source, so I'm wondering if anyone can first correct the steps I'm taking.

Best Answer

It sounds like you want to send the passphrase to gpg-preset-passphrase over stdin, without echoing it (to avoid exposing it in process list):

/path/to/gpg-preset-passphrase -c $KEYGRIP <<< $PASSPHRASE

If you care about portability outside of bash:

/path/to/gpg-preset-passphrase -c $KEYGRIP <<EOF

This answer about "Here Documents" syntax (EOF) was invaluable to me: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/88492

You also need allow-preset-passphrase in your ~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf as mentioned by holms.

If you're looking to do this with symmetric encryption (since I already lost my sanity to this, maybe you won't have to), see my answer here w.r.t. finding the right keygrip/cacheid to use to preset the passphrase in gpg-agent: https://superuser.com/a/1485486/1093343

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