What about no swap


I have a netbook with a very slow (especially on writes) SSD, would it be a good idea to go without swap? The way I see it is that code and unmodified pages will still be swapped (re-read) but I won't be writing anything.
Plus, I was also thinking about disabling file-system cache in order to free up some more memory and have a bit more control on when the disk is accessed.

Your thoughts?

EDIT: I agree that disabling fs cache would increase disk access, however what matters most to me is to minimize disk writes, which shouldn't be affected I believe. Is there any way to keep fs cache and at the same time forcing writes immediately (let's say I want to prevent data loss on a power failure)?
Also it is worth noting that being it a netbook physical ram is limited to 1.5Gb

Best Answer

Without swap, applications will be killed (rather than being swapped) if you run out of memory; you will also have more slowdown if you disable filesystem caching, as it will need to read the disk more.

As for the swap requirement, you might be able to avoid it (or use a small swap) if you max out the RAM on your machine.

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