Wget – Mirroring a full website with requisites on different hosts

domainhostsregular expressionwget

I am trying to make a full static copy of a WordPress website with wget to be browsed without any network connection (all links and images must be converted).

The different requisites for the pages (images, css, js, …) are on 3 different WordPress hosts and are always on the same wp-content/uploads directories.

I tried to limit the recursion on the other domains to wp-content/uploads directories with --domains and --include-directories, but I can't limit wget to fetch only these directories on the $URL1 and $URL2.

Here is the command line (which don't limit to $URL0 and [$URL1|$URL2]/wp-content/uploads ) :

wget --convert-links --recursive -l inf -N -e robots=off -R -nc 
--default-page=index.html -E -D$URL1,$URL2,$URL0 --page-requisites 
-B$URL0 -X$URL1,$URL2 --cut-dirs=1 -I*/wp-content/uploads/*, -H -F $URL0

Is there any possibility to limit wget's recursion on the other domains to only some directories?

Best Answer

wget --mirror --convert-links yourdomain.com
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