Way to search manpages for typical use scenario

command linemansearch

I have a relatively small brain, so there is a limit to what I can store up there. I have been using Linux semi-pro-amateur for a few years and still I am amazed at how little commands I know.

Simple stuff like "how do I list all my partitions in a terminal" will launch a 15 minute DuckDuckGo-hunt.

I am taking a stand! It ends today!

So, is there a way to search manpages for stuff like "list partitions" and getting something like:

$ man-search list partitions

Results for "list partitions"

df - list drives with size or something
du - list directory usage

I think I already know the answer, but … maybe you can suggest a quicker way to find the utility I need when I need it.


Best Answer

I think what most closely fits what you're looking for is apropos (a.k.a. man -k), which will search the one-line descriptions preceding every manpage. If you want to search through whole manpages, at least man-db supports man -K, which does exactly this (man-db is the man implementation used on at least Debian derivatives by default).

IIRC, man -K is rather well supported on Linux man implementations, but using man-db would be highly recommended for the -db part: man-db indexes manpages in a much more efficient way which makes man -K at lot faster.