Way to find out why tmux crashed


I am trying to shift from using VNC to tmux. My tmux keeps crashing at least once in a week and I am clueless why this happens. VNC rarely crashed and this weekly crash is a strong detrimental for me to completely switch.

Is there a way I can find out the reason tmux crashes ? My .tmux.conf is pretty simple

 #Don't show the green ribbon below
 set -g status off                                                                                                                                                                                           
 #Select panes by mouse click                                                                                                                                                                                
 set -g mouse-select-pane on                                                                                                                                                                                 
 #enable scrolling by mouse in tmux                                                                                                                                                                          
 set-window-option -g mode-mouse on                                                                                                                                                                          
 #enable resize of pane by mouse                                                                                                                                                                             
 set -g mouse-resize-pane on 

I use iterm2 with terminal mode set to 256 color and heavily use vim plugins and colorschemes(Lid, nerdtree, tagbar, indentLine, molokai etc.,). To adjust terminal color I had following setting in my .vimrc but I am not sure if these are in any way related to tmux crash

set t_ut=
set t_Co=256

Also, I have enabled mouse in my vim set mouse=a

Is there a way to find why my tmux session is crashing ?

EDIT: Attaching the final logs from my tmux-server

found key 0x1001: ""
input_parse: ' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
keys are 1 ()
complete key  0x1001
writing key 0x1001
found key 0x1001: ""
input_parse: ' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
keys are 1 ()
complete key  0x1001
writing key 0x1001
found key 0x1001: ""
input_parse: ' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
input_parse: ' ' ground
input_parse: ' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
keys are 1 ()
complete key  0x1001
writing key 0x1001
found key 0x1001: ""
input_parse: '' ground
input_c0_dispatch: '
got 5 from client 6
writing 4 to client 6
got 13 from client 6

Best Answer

I found this in the readme on the tmux github page.

"For debugging, running tmux with -v or -vv will generate server and client log files in the current directory."

In other words, unless you explicitly told it to log, it won't.

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