Watchdog daemon doesn’t start at boot

init-scriptraspberry piraspbiansystemdwatchdog

I'm using a Raspberry Pi B, with Raspbian.
After upgrading to Jessie, watchdog daemon doesn't start at boot anymore. Starting it manually using "sudo service watchdog start" does work.
I tried:

  • purging and reinstalling watchdog
  • update-rc.d watchdog defaults && update-rc.d watchdog enable
  • systemctl enable watchdog produces this error:

The unit files have no [Install] section. They are not meant to be enabled using systemctl.

I checked

  • syslog with systemd verbosity on debug, no results. Other than the watchdog device nothing is mentioned.
  • systemctl list-units | grep -i watchdog is emtpy (unless I started it manually)
  • My default runlevel is 5 and the priority of watchdog in /etc/rc5.d/ is also 5.

What else can I try?

Best Answer



and add


Systemd needs the [Install]-Section for a Unit to know how it should enable/disable the Unit.