Visualizing layout key maps in xkb


I'm using

setxkbmap -query layout us,in -variant ,tam

to be able to enter tamil characters. I've not used it before, so I can't find the keys on the keyboard very easily. I've used

xkbcomp /usr/share/X11/xkb/geometry/microsoft - | xkbprint -color -o - - | ps2pdf - > out.pdf

to view a map of the geometry of the keyboard. But I'd like to be able to view the actual unicode symbols on the keys. I see things like <AE00> on the pdf.

Best Answer

In the xkbprint man page, it shows..

-label type Specifies the labels to be printed on keys; legal types are: none, name,code,symbols.

I therefore assume that this should do the trick for you:

xkbcomp /usr/share/X11/xkb/geometry/microsoft - | xkbprint -label symbols -color -o - - | ps2pdf - > out.pdf
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