VirtualBox is complaining that the kernel module is not loaded


I'm new to Manjaro and AUR, having an almost same problem like this one on Ubuntu:

I have vagrant, virtualbox installed via pacman, then I try

$ vagrant up

VirtualBox is complaining that the kernel module is not loaded. Please
run VBoxManage --version or open the VirtualBox GUI to see the error
message which should contain instructions on how to fix this error.

$ VBoxManage --version

WARNING: The vboxdrv kernel module is not loaded. Either there is no
available for the current kernel (4.9.20-1-MANJARO) or it failed to
load. Please recompile the kernel module and install it by

       sudo /sbin/vboxconfig

     You will not be able to start VMs until this problem is fixed.


$ sudo /sbin/vboxconfig

sudo: /sbin/vboxconfig: command not found

According to the link I post, I try $ sudo /usr/lib/virtualbox/ setup

sudo: /usr/lib/virtualbox/ command not found

I also find suggestion to modprobe vboxdrv:

$ modprobe vboxdrv

modprobe: FATAL: Module vboxdrv not found in directory /lib/modules/4.9.20-1-MANJARO

$ dkms

Usage: /usr/bin/dkms [action] [options] [action] = { add | remove |
build | install | uninstall | match | autoinstall
| mkdriverdisk | mktarball | ldtarball | mkrpm | mkkmp | mkdeb | status } [options] = [-m module] [-v module-version] [-k
kernel-version] [-a arch]
[-d distro] [-c dkms.conf-location] [-q] [–force] [–all]
[–templatekernel=kernel] [–directive='cli-directive=cli-value']
[–config=kernel-.config-location] [–archive=tarball-location]
[–kernelsourcedir=source-location] [–no-prepare-kernel] [–no-initrd]
[–binaries-only] [–source-only] [-r release (SuSE)] [–verbose]
[–size] [–spec=specfile] [–media=floppy|iso|tar] [–legacy-postinst=0|1]
[-j number] Error! No action was specified.

dkms seems alright?

How do I fix it?

Best Answer

You need to install

sudo pacman -S [kernel version]-virtualbox-host-modules

get kernel version: uname -r

Your user must be in the following groups

  • vboxusers for virtualbox to work
  • storage group (for the usb subsystem)
  • vboxsf group (to share files).
  • uucpgroup for serial port

To add a user to group vboxuser: gpasswd -a USERNAME vboxusers

Check the: manjaro wiki and archlinux wiki

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