Vim – navigate between paragraphs (by blank lines)


Are there built-in commands in VIM that navigate to the next/previous blank lines?

Best Answer

Going to the help on navigation (:h navigation):

Cursor motions                                  cursor-motions navigation

These commands move the cursor position.  If the new position is off of the
screen, the screen is scrolled to show the cursor (see also 'scrolljump' and
'scrolloff' options).

1. Motions and operators        operator
2. Left-right motions           left-right-motions
3. Up-down motions              up-down-motions
4. Word motions                 word-motions
5. Text object motions          object-motions
6. Text object selection        object-select
7. Marks                        mark-motions
8. Jumps                        jump-motions
9. Various motions              various-motions

Text object motions seem to be the most likely candidate (or would Jumps?). Move to object-motions and press <c-]> (Ctrl ]):

5. Text object motions                                  object-motions

(                       [count] sentences backward.  exclusive motion.

)                       [count] sentences forward.  exclusive motion.

{                       [count] paragraphs backward.  exclusive motion

}                       [count] paragraphs forward.  exclusive motion.


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