Vim Copy to System Clipboard without overwriting the default register(“)


When I use "+y to copy to the system clipboard, the selected content is copied to the + register as well as the default(") register. How can I ensure that the content is copied only to the + register without modifying the " register?

I now understand that this is the intended behavior and any yanking will modify the default register. I still want to know whether there's a workaround for this.

I have come with a naive solution

for visual mode

vnoremap <Leader>y :<C-u>let @+=@*<CR>

and for single line in

nnoremap <Leader>yy :<C-u>let @+=getline('.') . "\n"<CR>

But we will be missing many yank features. I hope someone provides a better solution.

Best Answer

You need to define a custom operator; :help :map-operator has the details and an example. With that function, you can then also easily implement the visual mode (already shown in the example) and yy mappings (use v:count . 'yy') easily.

To avoid that the yank clobbers the default register, wrap the logic in the following that saves and restores that register:

let l:save_clipboard = &clipboard
set clipboard= " Avoid clobbering the selection and clipboard registers.
let l:save_reg = getreg('"')
let l:save_regmode = getregtype('"')
" some yank
call setreg('"', l:save_reg, l:save_regmode)
let &clipboard = l:save_clipboard
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