Vim autocomplete to include punctuation between words


I'm currently programming in Tcl/Tk. I have some widgets called .entry,stdin and .entry,stdout and I'm using supertab for autocompletion. The comma is there because I'm using a package called gridplus and that's how I can access the standard Tk widget functionality.

The idea of using auto-completion is that when I type .entry, and press the tab key it will show ONLY stdin and stdout as possible answers. However when I do that it shows all the possible words in the file instead of just stdin and stdout. And when tried autocomplpop and neocomplcache it doesn't even pop the menu after .entry,

I guess vim is interpreting the , as a word separator even though there is no space. When I tried swapping , for _ it works because I think vim is interpreting it as one word. So I guess is more to do with vim interpretation of what a word is, rather than a plugin matter. However, I'm wondering if it is possible to change this behavior?

Best Answer

Change the 'iskeyword' option to control how vim decide what a word is. In your case you can add a comma to it to tell vim that your words consists of commas too:

:set iskeyword+=,

It's not perfect for your need but I think it's better that the default.

Check out :help iskeyword while you're at it.

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