Vim auto complete custom list


I had these two questions about this function

" how do I load a file into a list here?
" set some variable  

func! CustomComplete() 

" and then read the variable here so that b:list = a \n split file ?
let b:list = ["spoogle","spangle","frizzle"]
let b:matches = []

The intent is that I can just hit a hot key and auto complete a list from the file system.

inoremap <F5> <C-R>=CustomComplete()<CR>

" how do I load a file into a list?
func! CustomComplete()

echom 'select word under cursor'
let b:word = expand('<cword>')
echom '->'.b:word.'<-'
echom 'save position'
let b:position = col('.')
echom '->'.b:position.'<-'
normal e
normal l
echom 'move to end of word'

" and then read the list here?
let b:list = ["spoogle","spangle","frizzle"]
let b:matches = []

echom 'begin checking for completion'
for item in b:list
echom 'checking '
echom '->'.item.'<-'
  echom 'adding to matches'
  echom '->'.item.'<-'
  call add(b:matches,item)
call complete(b:position, b:matches)
return ''

Best Answer

You can retrieve the filenames via glob(), like this, which offers all text files in your home directory for completion:

inoremap <F5> <C-R>=ListFiles()<CR>

func! ListFiles()
    let files = map(split(glob('~/*.txt'), "\n"), 'fnamemodify(v:val, ":t")')
    call complete(col('.'), files)
    return ''

To strip off the path, I used fnamemodify(), which I map()'ed over the list.

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