Viewing Linux Library / Executable version info


In Windows, EXE and DLL have version info, including at least the following fields:

  1. file version
  2. product version
  3. internal name
  4. product name
  5. copyright

In Linux Library / Executable:

  • Which fields are present?
  • How to view such info?
  • What tools/libraries to read?

Best Answer

The version info in not explicitly stored in an ELF file. What you have in there is the name of the library, the soname, which includes the major version. The full version is usually stored as a part of the library file name.

If you have library, say, then you usually have:

  • - The library file itself, containing the full version
  • - Symlink to, having the same name as soname
  • - Symlink to used for linking.

In the library file, there will be an entry called SONAME in dynamic section, that will say this library is called When you link a program against this library, the linked program will store the soname of the library under NEEDED entry in the dynamic section.

If you want to verify, what exactly is in which ELF file, you can try to run:

readelf -a -W elffile

where elffile can be either an library of an executable.

If you simply want to get the library version, you can play with:

readelf -d  /path/to/ |grep SONAME

AFAIK, there's no such info (at least not by default) in executable files.

Or you can rely on the program itself or your packaging system, as Rahul Patil wrote.